Friday, 20 August 2010

Starting Out...

Right. Hello.

This isn't the first time I've done a blog. A few years ago, I did one during my time at the World Scout Jamboree, which you can read here, but since then quite a lot has changed for me. Most notably, I'm off to uni!

I've already written this in my "About Me" section, but I'll repeat it here for easy reading. I'm going to Clare College, Cambridge this year to study Modern and Medieval Languages. For me, this means French and Spanish. I was made an offer of one A* and two As, of which the A* had to be in French (I did French, History and English A-Levels). As the more eagle-eyed of you will have noticed, this means that I will be starting Spanish ab initio from October (although I do have GCSE and the knowledge gained from an Open University course).

For me, then, the UCAS process is pretty much over. This means that others are starting to go through the process of visiting universities, writing personal statements, and putting everything that they've done during seventeen years onto one form. I certainly had a lot of questions, and am now finding that people in Year 12 are starting to ask them to me. That's one of the reasons I've created this blog: I aim to be regularly updating it with my experiences. It will obviously be most relevant if you're looking to study languages, but I hope that it will be useful for a variety of people with different aims.

To start off, then, I'd like to know what information I can give to anyone in the position I was in a year ago. Would you like me to blog about personal statements? Interviews? Results day? I'll do everything I can to help before I start giving updates about uni life proper.

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